Bring the Love Back featuring "The Couple"
Sent to me by a Smith Wyckoff at 22squared, this falls into the category, "I wish I'd have done that!" And it's certainly certainly caught the agency world's attention garnering 120,000 views and more than 60,000 visits to its blog. It's a viral promotion video for Mircrosoft Digital Advertising Solutions. The amazing video is that so plainly points out everything that's wrong with the advertising industry but gives a simple solution to the problem. We have a simple philosophy on this blog and at the agency I work at...Market brands the way people make and maintain meaningful friendships. That means using marketing communications as a way to be a friend to the consumer, so they'll in turn, see you as more of a friend then a sleazy date trying to con your way into their lives. One very simple way for agencies and marketers alike to start adopting this habit is to treat every communication the way the video so eloquently does, like a conversation between friends. Nicely done Geert.
by Brandon Murphy